Math, etc.

I have not added anything to this site since 2014, but have left it as-is for anyone coming across it.  
Please read here before emailing me.  Thanks! 

These links are not comprehensive.
I just post things for myself as I need them; things I think my kids would benefit from by watching.  This is used as a supplement to the math curriculum we use.
However, there are some links at the bottom to other helpful sites where you might find something you need that I have not posted.  Most have videos.
►I suggest as you watch the videos on this blog, have your notebook and pencil handy.  Take notes and work out the problems as the teachers in the videos work them out.  Some videos will work out better for this than others.  Pause the videos if necessary.
►Also, one post may have more information/videos than you need, or need at a time.  Some posts may need to be divided into several days or even a week, or part of it saved to another time.





Other Websites:
  • Good teacher - YayMath! - Algebra and Geometry VIDEOS - full length.  =)
    YayMath on Facebook.
  • Free Math Mammoth videos - Geometry, Fractions, Percents
  • Interactive math websites
  • - categories on the side, there is more than one for algebra.  
  • - Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Intro Physics
  • - algebra, trigonometry, calculus, and much, much more!
  • HippoCampus - algebra, calculus, biology, US History, and more.  Can view each topic in sequential or alphabetical order.  I looked at the algebra, and it's interactive.  It lets the child type in and submit answers, then gives feedback.  Each new lesson has a very short review of the previous lesson.  You can see by the sidebar beside the text on the left how much lesson is left.  You can pause, fast forward, and rewind.  Also, a parent can scroll thru and read the text of the lesson to see what needs to be taught first.  These lessons are a bit brief.  They would need to be supplemented w/ the book, but are good for review, not stand-alone.
  • Khan Academy - TONS of videos that appear to be in order of difficulty!  Just scroll down... Chemistry, Biology, Trig, Pre-calc, Algebra, and more.
  • Algebra II videos (3 units:  exponents, monomials, polynomials; relations, functions, quadratic equations; rational and radical expressions and equations)
  • - From Elementary on up, lots of VIDEOS. 
  • PurpleMath - help with algebra  
  • Basic-mathematics - includes algebra, geometry, as well as basics; a few games
  • Math Forum, Ask Dr. Math - select Elementary, Middle, High School, or College
  • MathIsFun - explanations and a few questions 
  • TimezAttack at - BY FAR the BEST free game I've ever seen.  Even the Free version teaches all the times tables 2-12.  The video shows scenes from the paid version, but try the Free one to see how your child likes it.


  1. What a wealth of information! Thank you:) How on earth do you find the time?! Shannon

  2. Thanks for visiting my blog, and you're welcome!
    Yep, it does take time. But I just collect and accumulate a little here and there. =)
    But I love algebra, and I love homeschooling, so it's like my hobby. =)

  3. Wow! Thank you sooo much for making all of these amazing resources available! The videos are an invaluable resource for our science and I can't wait to start incorporating them this week!


  4. You're welcome, Abbie! What science are you using this year?

  5. I stumbled upon your blog recently when looking for help with Apologia Biology. Thank you for taking the time to post these. It has been a great help both with Biology and now with Intro to Trig. SOH-CAH-TOA!


  6. Susan, you are welcome! Thanks for your comment. =)
    I'm sorry there isn't more here for Trig and Geometry, but the teacher at is really good, so hoping you can find some things you need there. Also Khan Academy has a LOT of good videos.
    SOH-CAH-TOA! (This should be a signature salutation, lol!)

  7. Thank you for sharing the resources. It's hard to mind good math books and teacher's websites for mathematics, your list makes the life easier :)


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